What We Fund » The Endowment
What We Fund » The Endowment
The Foundation has established an endowment, currently valued at over $2 million, to ensure that the Children’s Library can continue to welcome hundreds of children each week. Due in great part to the expanded space for children, requests for homework help have increased 30% and the number of children’s books checked out has increased by an additional 69,000 more books per year!
The Foundation’s success was made possible in part due to the efforts of a stellar Capital Campaign Committee comprised of co-chairs Janet Garufis, Jim Jackson, and Scott Brittingham, with committee members Christie Glanville and Elizabeth Slaught.
To learn more, please contact us at 805.689.2448 or email.
Alan Brumberger is a graduate of Yale University, the University of Michigan Law School and Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration. Mr. Brumberger was the Chief Executive Officer and General Securities Principal for Emerald Point Capital, LLC., a FINRA Registered Broker Dealer in New York. He has held numerous leadership positions and Board memberships in various philanthropic organizations and investment banking firms including President and CEO of Shearson American Express International Limited, the firm's international investment banking arm in London. He is excited to do his part to help the Santa Barbara Public Library continue and build upon its remarkable record of being a fundamental community resource in broadening our citizens’ literacy.