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Support Us
The Foundation gratefully acknowledges the following individuals, companies, and foundations whose generous gifts elevate our Santa Barbara Public Library.
Read the Santa Barbara Public Library Foundation 2023-2024 Fiscal Year in Review here.
Anita L. Stafford Charitable Lead Trust
The Ann Jackson Family Foundation Anonymous
Ginni Dreier
Ann Frank
Christie Glanville
Stina Hans and Joel Kreiner
Herbert Simon Family Foundation
Anne and Randall Howard
The Kislak Family Foundation
Manitou Fund
Jack Mithun and Mercedes Millington
Montecito Bank & Trust
Kevin and Megan Nuss
Keith Brian Rivera
Santa Barbara Foundation
The Towbes Group
UC Santa Barbara Foundation
Volentine Family Foundation
Walter J. & Holly O. Thomson Charitable
WWW Foundation
Nathan and Anna Alldredge
Arcadia Studio
Benston Foundation
Binns Family Foundation
Elizabeth Blake and Burt Romotsky
Bristol Farms – Lazy Acres
Zora and Les Charles
Marni and Michael Cooney
COX Communications
Gail Elnicky and Richard Untermann Daniel and Mandy Hochman
Linda Lorenzen
Ellen Robinson
Santa Barbara Bowl Foundation
Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians
Robert Smith and Jane Dini
Jim and Colleen Sterne
Irene Stone
Julianne Willig
Merryl and Chuck Zegar
Leslie and Bob Zemeckis
B & B Foundation
Jean Ballantyne
Gunther and Mary Jane Baumgartner
Alan and Carol Brumberger
Linda Burrows
Susan and Claude Case
City National Bank
Renee Courington and David Beaver
Gail Crivello
Katherine and F. Thomas Dunlap
Robert and Dianne Duva
Cami Ferris-Wong
Manny and Marilyn Flekman
Eric Friedman and Julie Nguyen-Friedman
Bob and Pat Fulmer
Janet Garufis
Peter Ginsberg
Lisa and Mitchell Green
Patricia L. and Donald W. Green, Jr.
Barbara Hauter Woodward
Jim and Chana Jackson
Belma Michael Johnson and
Tammy Sims Johnson
Robert and Elizabeth Manger
Roy Martinez
Nancy and Michael Martz
Brooke McDermott
Jeffrey McFarland
Arthur and Carolyn Merovick
Mission Wealth Management LP
Mullen & Henzell LLP
Michele Neely Saltoun
Christine and Paul Portney
SBCC Foundation
Joanne Schoenfeld and Stuart Orenstein
Peter Schuyler and Lisa Stratton
Elizabeth and Kenny Slaught
Raissa Smorol
Diane Sullivan
The Towbes Family
Martha and Tim Townsend
Geofrey and Laura Wyatt
Patricia and Doug Aiken
Chris and Anita Anderson
Bernadette Bagley
Meg and Dan Burnham
Margaret and Robert Crocco
Joan H. Davidson
Sheila and James Davidson
Carlos Adrian Diaz
Jan Everote
Lylie Francis
Friends of the Santa Barbara Public Library
The Fund for Santa Barbara
Jon Glasoe and Robert Pearson
Nancy and Lawrence Harter
Penny Mast McCall and Wayne McCall
Carol and Steve Newman
Northside Optimist Club
Kendall Pata and Anders Bergstrom
Janet Pickthorn and Darol Joseff
Stephanie and Tres Riordan
Barbara and Gerrold Rubin
Richard and Rosemary Sanders
Anthony Shih
Starr Siegele and Larry Feinberg
Sandra Stingle
Anne D. Woodward
Alison Wrigley Rusack and Geoff Rusack
Ronald Peter Abeles
Rita Boss and Mario Garcia
Jessica Cadiente
Gail and John Campanella
Jay and Caryl Casbon
Andrew Foxwell
Julie and Mark Grosen
Cecilia L. Harris
Ruth Kyes
Kim and Donny Lieberman
Steven and Marnie Pinsker
Minie and H. Pompe Van Meerdervoort
Nancy and Kurt Ransohoff
John and Mary Romo
Sybil Rosen
Katie Szopa and Adam Graham
Beth and Kevin Thornton
Sallie Watling Coughlin
Molly Wetta and Nathan Burns-Sprung
Jeff and Sharron Adams
Celeste Barber
Stephen and Marsha Barr
Beth and Michael Bartlett
Bob and Carol Bason
Bonnie Blakley
Lucille Boss
Jeff and Susan Bridges
Mary L. Brown
Anne and Hollis Call
Priscilla Constantine
Bonnie Corman
Katherine Cowell
Willliam Edelstein, MD
Dr. Patricia L Erbe
Richard Flacks
Jane Fleischman
Joseph G. Fulmer
Stephen and Mary Gibson
Katy Graham
Margaret Grasman
Judith and Kent Guillermo-Newton
Gunpowder Press
Carolyn Kimball Holmquist
Barbara and Joe Howell
Lucy and Don Hromadka
George Job and Lila Deeds
Lois Jane Kaplan
Steven H Kaplan
Karen Kawaguchi
Simon Bruce Kiefer
Linda Krop
Sherri Lee and Nelson Trichler
Barbara Levi
Judith Lorimer
Linda Love
Irene Macias
Pam Maines
Mary Anne and Sydney Marsch
Elizabeth Matthews
Meredith McMinn
Myra Nicholas
Georgia Noble
Jann Olsen
Beatrice Oshika
Susan F. Petrovich
Sally and Tom Reeder
Nanci Robertson
Sarah York Rubin
Helen and John Rydell
Santa Barbara Women’s Club
Anitra Sheen
Martha Siegel
Stephen Singleton and Christopher Teasley
Louise Browner Spain
Carol Spungen
Bill and Cheri Steinkellner
Karen and David Telleen-Lawton
Jace Ryan Turner
Rick and Holiday Vaill
Paul Vinelli
Margaret Weeks
Marcy Winograd
Helen Sun Wong
David Yager
Chryss Yost
Apples to Zucchini Cooking School Barbara
Bannerman-Olitzky and Seth Olitzky
Kathleen Barnato
Roberta Barnfather
Patty and Leo Reed Bechstein
Amber Caldwell
Clay Studio
Congregation B’nai B’rith
Peggy Constantine
Jennifer Cushnie
Dena S Davis
Jean and Dave Davis
Patrice Ekstrom
Emily and Dan Engel
Eunice Fly
Angela Foote
Friends of State Street
Ganna Walska Lotusland
Gaviota Coast Conservancy
Lenore E. Gillmon
Bruce Hale
Sharon Hoshida
Irene Kelly
Kiwanis Club of Santa Barbara
Liliana Melero
MOXI, The Wolf Museum of Exploration + Innovation
Neighborhood Restorative Justice Program
New Beginnings Counseling Center
Karen and Joe Peus
Amy Ramos
Leslie Robinson
Dana and Susan Saperstein
Santa Barbara County Behavioral Wellness
Santa Barbara County Genealogical Society
Santa Barbara Humane
Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History
Santa Barbara Trust for Historic Preservation
John Schiffer, II
Patricia Schwartz
Cheryl Smith
Jennifer and Jeremy Stein
Storyteller Children’s Center
Teddy Bear Cancer Foundation
Transition House
Lauren Trujillo
Unity Shoppe
Vistas Lifelong Learning
Anne and John Wiley
Women’s Economic Ventures
Mary Ellen Wylie
In spite of our best efforts, errors and omissions may occur. To inform us regarding any inaccuracies, please contact us at 805.689.2448 or email.
Alan Brumberger is a graduate of Yale University, the University of Michigan Law School and Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration. Mr. Brumberger was the Chief Executive Officer and General Securities Principal for Emerald Point Capital, LLC., a FINRA Registered Broker Dealer in New York. He has held numerous leadership positions and Board memberships in various philanthropic organizations and investment banking firms including President and CEO of Shearson American Express International Limited, the firm's international investment banking arm in London. He is excited to do his part to help the Santa Barbara Public Library continue and build upon its remarkable record of being a fundamental community resource in broadening our citizens’ literacy.