26 Aug Introducing 2023-2024 Board
SB Library Foundation Welcomes New Board Member!
The Santa Barbara Public Library Foundation is excited to announce our newest board member for 2023-2024: Belma Micheal Johnson. The 2023-2024 officers include Jim Jackson, Board President, Anna Alldredge, Vice President, Jim Sterne Secretary, and Roy Martinez, Treasurer.
Belma Michael Johnson has crafted a varied and prolific career as a creative executive and creative talent in numerous fields within the entertainment industry. By working in positions in front of the camera and behind, in music marketing and talent development, as a music-magazine writer and editor, as a television host and producer, as a show creator and production-staff member, as an author and publisher, and as a content provider and a website creator. Even as his journey took him from print journalism to TV journalism, from news to entertainment, from the music business to the education field, one thing has never changed: first and foremost, he is a storyteller.
“We are thrilled to welcome Belma to our dynamic team. The board now consists of 13 passionate community leaders who are eager to enhance our community through our Public Library!” said Foundation Director Lauren Trujillo.
After six years of service to the Santa Barbara Public Library Foundation, Board Treasurer Brooke McDermott’s board term ended on July 1st.
“We cannot express enough how deeply grateful we are for the invaluable contributions she has made to the Santa Barbara Public Library Foundation. With her support, we have reached significant milestones that have helped grow Library support and our organization.” shared Jim Jackson, Board President.
From the entire Library Foundation and team, “Thank you, Brooke, for leaving a legacy at the Santa Barbara Public Library and opening doors.”